How smartphone can help you blog on the go!

If you’re a blogger and you have a smart phone, there are several ways you can use this amazing tool to enhance your blogging experience, extend your brand, keep up with your fans, and blog on the go. Here are some ways you can easily do this

Visiting blogs and leaving comments

Your blog would remain pretty stagnant if you never interacted with other bloggers in your niche. Bloggers build a reputation by being seen – and if you don’t ‘travel around’ the pro bloggers in your niche, you can remain invisible for years. It may be difficult to visit other sites while sitting at your desk. It may also be distracting to do this while you write your own blog posts. However, when on the go, travelling to work, waiting for the kids etc. you can spend your extra few minutes, using your smart phone to leave interactive comments on sites you follow, or for bloggers who often visit you.

Create and edit blog posts

Most major smartphones have a WordPress app available. This is great news for us bloggers. This option won’t be suitable for everyone because some screens may be too small for creating blog posts. However, if there are editing issues to get through, these can easily be taken care of via your smartphone.


Image Source: Pixabay

Research for blog posts and articles

Freelance writers and bloggers alike have to research articles if they take their work seriously. Thankfully, we no longer have to go to a library and sit in front of a mountain of books. Smartphones are a plus for any blogger, and will definitely be a good investment if you don’t have one. All major and minor research work can be done on smartphone platforms. The Evernote app is great for keeping all your notes and discoveries in a safe place for when you need to use them. You can also take pictures, email yourself, bookmark websites etc, all elements of a sound research system.

Use your smartphone to find mistakes on your site

More and more people are accessing your site with their smartphones. Younger people tend to favour phones rather than computers and other devices when browsing the web.

Access your blogs with your smartphone to see what your visitors see. This will give you the chance to correct any mistakes before they turn off your potential fans.

Use your smartphone to moderate comments quickly

More people will comment on your blog if they see you’re in the habit of answering them. Use your smartphone to quickly moderate and answer comments on your blog. It takes a long time to do this, so being able to do it on the go is a massive help to any blogger.

Use your smartphone for optimum interaction

Bloggers are often away from their computers. Many of us work in different jobs while blogging, so the time needed for interacting with others is usually not available. Social media and sharing other bloggers’ work is a big deal when it comes to growing your site.

So how about you? Have you got a smartphone and how do you use if for blogging?


About Author
Max is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechnoCian.
